Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The House Music Channel Presents: Byron Burke's Rework House Mix Part 1.

(590 downloads) Download this episode (41 min)

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This mix features Byron Burke's rework of "The Gift" by Dr. Bill Winston from Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park, IL. For more information about Pastor Bill Winston, go to

The Life and Times of Byron Burke

Life is full of twists and turns. The paths that we choose dictate what our lives will become. But there are times when an inner voice speaks that reassures that the path that has been chosen is in fact the right one. On this journey are endless possibilities, trials and tribulations and ultimately a reward bigger than one can ever hope or dream of. This is the story of Byron Burke.

As a child he always felt like an outsider. Shy and unable to fit in, he was uncomfortable in his own skin. Not the best performer in school he would find himself repeating the sixth grade and skipping school for shame and embarrassment. His only solace was music.

His passion for music and dancing would be the impetus for his current iconoclastic status as one of the pioneers of House music. At the age of 14 he would become a member of the House music dance group “The Shy Boys” from the Westside of Chicago. The legendary dance battles held in Stevenson Park would serve as the catalyst for many other moments that would further solidify Byron’s place in the annals dance and House music.

Dancing would lead to his interest in DJing and he would invest hours into honing his craft. A few years and 200 mix tapes under his belt he would get the shot he needed to show off his skills. Byron was brought to the attention of legendary Chicago club promoter Terrible Ted and was given the break he needed at the tender age of 16. Byron was given the chance to spin at special events and at clubs along side such noted Chicago House DJs as Tyree Cooper, Lil Louis, Steve “Silk” Hurley, Mike Dunn, The Hot Mix 5, Terry Hunter, Fast Eddie, K Alexi and Jessie Saunders.

As history has proven time and time again, life throws many curve balls and although at the time one may not understand why things happen the way that they do, in the end the rewards prove to be worth the sacrifice. In a pivotal moment Byron was faced with a decision. An inner voice told him to quit school and follow his passion. While holding an album in his hand prophetically entitled “Music is the Key” by Steve “Silk” Hurley he called a number conveniently located on the album. The number happened to be to the president of DJ International Records, Rocky Jones. Mr. Jones picked up the phone and a meeting was set up. A contract was offered and a career was launched. Click here to continue...