Sunday, June 29, 2014

Urban Mining.


The article below was written and shared on face book by my cousin  Mr  Lionel B  Nixon. I feel the truths, facts shared in  Lionel;s article are deep, self evident , and truly should make us think. I live in  A HIGH  RISE non  HUD subsidized condominium building and this is making me think deeper in some areas I have not in the past. Read, learn, pass this blog share on please. Thanks for reading and sharing this blog if you did. LESTER NIXON aka  THE COMMANDER! 


Lionel Nixon 

Urban Mining
(I wrote this article in the South Street Journal in 1999.) This one simple article pulled the cover off of the secret “Spatial De- Concentration" program I had been one of the few people in America who had worked for the Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Regional HUD and Washington DC HUD Headquarters Offices.) The United States Government spent more than a a quarter of a million dollars training me in Washington, DC at HUD and the University of Southern California Graduate School of Public Administration with 24 others selected from among 10,0000 + applicants for the HUD Intergovernmental Management Program from across America. I had been an insider who knew a lot. "Scary ass" politicians who should have opened their mouths and fought, just remained mostly silent. I stepped up to the plate and fought and even back then they I knew what I was talking about was highly credible. It still is...)

Please read this.... URBAN MINING !
From an article in the Chicago, South Street Journal written in 1999
By Lionel B. Nixon

In 1999 the Chicago Housing Authority high-rise buildings have become Copper mines as the financially profitable implosion and salvaging of the raw materials by a few well connected construction and demolition companies haul their valuable treasure cargo from the buildings, undetected by the general public.

The copper and iron in these buildings represent millions of dollars in bounty for those who have the technological capacity to mine it. The fixtures, gravel, cement blocks, doors, wiring, elevators, heating systems, compactors, window frames, pipes and other raw materials constitute the economically elastic surplus material for the largest man made hardware stores in the history of Chicago.

The buildings were built primarily in the 1960s. They were financed by 40 year municipal bonds. As part of a sophisticated late 20th century "land banking" strategy to recapture some of the most valuable land in the city of Chicago land currently occupied by Public Housing High-rise "PROJECTS" parallel to the Dan Ryan and Eisenhower expressways on the west and south side and along the lake front. Concomitantly working in conjunction with the various TaxIncrement Financing (TIFs) and other Redevelopment Plans that utilize acquisition of other building structures by imminent domain, such as the 47th Street Redevelopment Plan which calls for the involuntary displacement, acquisition and demolition of almost every business on 47th street from St. Lawrence to the Green Line elevated Train.
This scenario presents the potential for the greatest American land grab and involuntary displacement of citizens from housing and small businesses, since the removal of American Indians from their tribal lands during the 19th century.

The recycling of the raw materials of these smaller building structures is a lucrative and profitable proposition for high technology demolitions and salvagers as well. The new vacated parcels of land create new development opportunities consistent with the current City of Chicago Comprehensive Plan which was first created in 1909 as the Chicago "Master Plan".

Section 8 Existing Housing Vouchers holders in the inner city of Chicago will find that they will be forced to move to what I call the, EXURBS, a 15 to 30 mile circular perimeter distance, (North, West, and South) from the core of the inner city of Chicago.

Other options will include, moves to mid or down state Illinois or out of state all together in order to find suitable housing and the land lords accept their vouchers. HUD which has had it share of r years of internal fraud, waste, mismanagement and material complicity, with the Urban Miner Developers. The people of public housing need help with relocation, not symbolic gestures. The only hope for this group of Chicagoans is the presence of the new CHA Administration and the exit of the former HUD policy makers from Washington who preceded them.

There is nothing wrong with economic development if it is balanced and done with the required public hearings, accommodation for citizens to provide "alternative plans" and the "right to object" to currently proposed plans in accordance with Federal and State, laws, rules and regulations.
Without appropriate government intervention and responsible community participation by residents from both public and private housing and the small business community. Urban Mining will be the impetus for a modern development process that will treat native Chicagoans of which I am one, just as the Native Indian Americans were treated during the 1800s.

Lionel B. Nixon, former twenty year United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development Official He served as a Co-
Chairmen for the Housing Task Forces of both Congressmen and
Mayor Harold Washington and Charles Haynes .Served as President
of the Coalition to Save South Shore Country Club Park.
President, of HUD AFGE Local 911