Sunday, July 16, 2017


    BY.   MR.  LESTER  NIXON. 

As a child( I RECENTLY HAD A BIRTHDAY BUT I REMEMBER WHEN I WAS A YOUNG CHILD BACK TO EVEN AGE FOUR) I some times wanted to be more independent than I was ready for, However even as I child, I realized life and people are no jokes. Life is for keeps. THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES( AS THE YOUNG ONES SAY TODAY NO REDO, S! )  


When one becomes an adult( Hey any of you out there remember when women were legally an adult at 18 but men had to be 21. I still feel that was bunk and wrong. LOTS OF KIDS went to many different wars then too! People do realize NO ONEif you had good or great parents AS I FELT WE DID NO ONE WILL EVER TREAT YOU THE WAY YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER DID! Health issues etc I was born with my life did not go from A TO B TO C TO D  easily. THE REAL pleasure, TELLING YOU WHAT TODO starts when you become LEGALLY AN ADULT!

Image result for animated birthday cake
Image result for animated birthday cake

Image result for animated birthday cake


I remember TWO CREDIT CARDS BEING SENT TO ME BY A COMPANY  I did not want nor ask for I WROTE TO THEM CANCELED THEM CUT THEM UP! NICE NATIONAL CREDIT CARDS TOO!( THE LOAN SHARKS IN ONE's pocket, purse, or busome I feel) People trying to push COFFEE AND ALCOHOL off on me SOME ONE that tried coffee and WINE hated both LOVED TEA, JUICE, FRUIT, candy and NICE  Ladies.  

Being in a hospital for eye surgery at ages three and four. Seeing children with various forms of illness, including, cancer, birth defects( NOT SPIRITUAL,, NOT LIFE DEFECTS for all people have a purpose and a GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BE HERE, AMEN! CITIZENS OF THE UNIVERSE! People that lie about their age( I thought of doing that decade ago LOL never did) Those that get upset at each birthday in these times when FEW MAKE IT TO 19 it seems . MANY REALLY DO NOT MAKE IT TO THAT AGE IN MY PEOPLES NEIGHBORHOODS, THE BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. WE HAVE MENTIONED often in this blog the many reasons why they do not!

CO WORKERS, co CHURCH folk,  PEOPLE in general, WHEN we get to a certain age  EXPECT. THEY EXPECT US TO MARRY a certain person, to live a certain place. To think or do things OR NOT a certain way. MANY SAY ( OOO THEY WANT GRAND BABIES AND THEY WANT THEM NOW!!0 people want our BODY, MIND, LIFE, CAR, HOME EVEN OUR VERY SOUL! All of life is not this way but it IS NOT ALL A CAKE WALK young people.It is all  QUITE AMAZING AND INTERESTING! Keep a hunger for GOD, CHRIST, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE WORD OF GOD and FOR LIFE. DO NOT CONTROL OTHERS NOR BE CONTROLLED! That is all. USE YOUR BRAIN, SPIRIT, LIFE or lose it. Think this all over I urge. Thanks for reading this if you did.