they call me THE COMMANDER!!
Other than GOD and logical decent people NOONE else is going to control me, mine, or MY LIFE EVER!!!
The Holidays are upon us( THANKSGIVIGNM CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS ETC) This can be a wonderful time of year. Family, WE LIKE real NON FAKE friends, good food etc.
Also, many people get depressed, Pissed off, enraged and full of hell this time of year. Don,t let rage, death, etc BE A SANTA CLAUSE in your life. DON, , OR MAKE A BLACKJACK OUT OF YOUR CHRISTMAS BRA, STOCKING, ETC, THROW A FRUIT CAKE in someones face to get them out of our face!!T get in a situation where you have to KNOCK THE H-LL out of someone with the THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, OR NEW YEARS TURKEY, BUST THE CAP IN THEIR AZZ , OR IN GENERAL HAVE TO GET DEEP AND RASH! GET AND KEEP negative people out of your life LONG BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS!
Call the POLICE if needed buby!!
Stop the mess and there will not be any mess, hurt feelings, bloodshed, etc. I hope you all get my meaning and this is caringly, respectfully written. GOD bless if you are in GOD, CHRIST, THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND THE WORD OF GOD!
Call somebody and tell them al this or RUN AND TELL IT!!